
Nyancoin Explorer - Where is the Nyancoin?

Lists of Nyancoin addresses by value and selected statistics on total Nyancoin distribution.

The information here is updated at various intervals, so recent changes won't show here immediately.

Address Count and Usage

There are 624182 Nyancoin addresses that have been used at least once. 36932 of those currently have a non-zero balance, which is 6% of the total.
The other 94% have a zero balance, which is 587250 individual addresses just laying around unused.

The top 1% of addresses with value (369 addresses) contain 316090392.48897458 Nyan, which is 93% of the 340105682 in existence.

The address with the largest value is KEXWzmSaMhYrTVTg6EFF1ehtJMvsMBDsHb, containing 42000000.00000000 Nyan.

Smallest non-zero balance is KGr1GbBrB6aTx47X2KBbxaYCtF5aiwSczt, with 0.00000001 Nyan.

All addresses sorted by value, largest first

Rank Address Value
1 KEXWzmSaMhYrTVTg6EFF1ehtJMvsMBDsHb 42000000.00000000
2 KAT2gADoDM4nhGh76b69NMk4CjDZ2U3LUU 27916151.39332830
3 KQy5ZjeosiTHKoRcRwTdTvGeZ851rAesyQ 25000000.00000000
4 KNUwLngyhVQ6Ttvba6HgqhvWNkoaxPnCHX 10101004.21690000
5 KRLYx66fTPXmFmHocdz5L19QFQ6pD66rpk 9989663.00000000
6 KEwSxjm8xUeXiEn3PxLJTixMcr7zAxDTMt 8919709.60000000
7 KB1k99c2LNS4PZEU6xNzxugLnDyfQ6A8o5 7890005.23427374
8 KTsUYDkRJCZxCZUThmW9emQsrQdVARhwDB 6111839.56317271
9 KRCLfjhKJgiQu8gypFr3fAE2WTam7H5biw 5000015.88002513
10 KUXrr4mPV9rqpV4EyWz2ALP1EPkKZaeGm7 5000000.00000000

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Lines: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 - 200 - 500

Updated 22 May 2022 04:18Z
Data valid up to block 4242966 at 22 May 2022 04:10Z
System status.